

Antes del olvido

Isabelasnacho is (was or will be) an Argentinean singer/songwriter who writes timeless songs in a kind of emotional language, mixing sounds from different languages and sometimes from any language. He is also an excellent guitar player. Most registers in this album are early compositions except for the opener “Muerto estoy” (I’m dead) and "Gorriones" (Sparrows). Recorded with Madrid between July and August 2001 at “El Quinto” in Buenos Aires, the final master was finished by December 19 in the same year.


Invento (Invention), recorded in 2006, develops a theory on perception of the sound, for this aim, I didn’t want to use a conventional language. Thus I set out to create one which I call ‘etimophonic language’, that phonetically could express what it is not possible to be said with words, to deal with the origin of the feelings. I understood that in this work the most important was the phonetic intention or phonetic symbol than the etymologic or the explanation. This theory has an almost mystical aspect. It is based on a very deep belief, consisting of feelings that the matter is daughter to the sound and not as we understand it in our reality. The sound can create a sensation, then a thought and finally a life form. I believe that we are what we listen… For this work I used elements that I considered important as to represent what the last century was like: vinyl records, radio waves, etc. I wanted to represent the past and the future, not the present. In ‘Don de las almas’ and ‘A-Z-TAN’ I had to sing and to play the violin at the same time, something that directed and dominated me in a long time. I was convinced by the idea not to separate the voice and the violin. I lost intensity. In ‘Don de las almas’ I wanted to imitate with my voice the sound of the violin.

CDr edition by Luscinia Discos (Spain): luscinia.org

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